A Preview...

sketchbook pages
It was mad dash to finish up my sketchbook these past few days, but I did it! My book is on its way to the Arthouse Co-Op in Brooklyn. Good thing the folks there gave us a 3 day extension, otherwise I don't think it would have been possible for me to fill up all those pages. Above are a few of my favorite pages. The Sketchbook Project will be going on tour starting in March so check it out if you can! The tour stops in San Francisco mid-June...it will be so much fun to look through everyone's books!


  1. MON!!!! Those pages are just awesome! GAH!!! Love them! I can't wait to see the rest of your book when it comes to Austin :)

    And! Those oxfords look familiar, hee hee :)

  2. I think we ALL need to be in Austin to see the books! Let's party!

  3. Can I please put in a personal request for an enlarged version of the Canon sketches?

    Pretty please?! I'll feed you! :)

  4. yes! i drew them on the computer and then made a xerox transfer onto the pages of my sketchbook. i can definitely make a larger one for you!

  5. YAY! OK, name a place, time & I'll come have you fed! :)

  6. uh, I'd like a canon print too, please!!
